Friday, March 2, 2012


Geert Wilders IFA Friends
GWIFA: The ONLY PROBLEM with this page (even though it supposedly supports Israel) is that it was created by the SCAMMER that we reported on the HATIKVAH page before. See our links to the scammer and what he was doing in taking people's money who are supporters of Israel ...​GW.IFA/posts/375205362490962​GW.IFA/posts/357133097660166

SO ... BEWARE ... that although it (on the surface) supports Israel, it was set up by the same SCAMMER that has taken people's money who are supporters of Israel!Never Give Up Israel
This page is dedicated to show people why they should support Israel and why they never ever must give up their support for Israel!
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Geert Wilders IFA Friends ‎.
Pro-Israel CON ARTIST Banned From Own Organization​GW.IFA/posts/​375205362490962

GWIFA: We raised the "big stink" about this FAKE BOOK from Alain Horoit, which he "advertised" on his page - HATIKVAH. It was a few weekends ago that we did that - and Miriam Young saw our posts and KICKED THE SCAMMER off the page.

Initially we did not know WHO was the scammer, but we knew that HATIKVAH (the Facebook Page) was advertising the FAKE BOOK (of 300 blank pages, selling for about $20). And so, we said we would have nothing more to do with HATIKVAH because of this scam.

BUT ... Miriam Young stepped in and corrected the situation, kicked off the SCAMMER (Alain Horoit) and we RECOMMEND the page - HATIKVAH - once again.

And, by the way, that scammer - Alain Horoit - is still advertising this FAKE BOOK on other Facebook pages that he's created, and mostly pages that are supportive of Israel. He's USING the sentiments of others in supporting Israel to SCAM MONEY OUT OF THEM for this FAKE BOOK - still to this day!

Phillip Pasmanick's Israel & Stuff ...

Since Horoit had been receiving royalties from the book and was, “spamming multiple times a day asking people to buy his book,” he was quite displeased by being kicked out of his own organization, along with others that were in on the scam. However, none of this seems to phase Young who stated that, “They’re upset about money but I’m upset about morality.”

Young stated it was important to save the page because, “These 27,000 people followed our pro-Israel news and trusted it enough to buy our offered product…and this left them very unhappy, discouraging them from further support and advocacy.”
3 hours ago · Unlike · 1

Geert Wilders IFA Friends
GWIFA: Initially we didn't know who was behind this "book scam", but now it's been clarified and we're happy to keep on referring people over to the "Hatikvah" page on Facebook.

The previous post - see just below this post - there is an article from a new newspaper in Israel - on this story.

Quote from the article ...
See MorePro-Israel Con Artist Banned From Own Organization
Pro-Israel Con Artist Banned From Own Organization Pro-Israel activists have expressed outrage over a con artist who created the facebook page Hatikvah. T...
By: Hatikvah

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Rudolf Usselmann likes this.

Geert Wilders IFA Friends ‎.
Never Give Up Israel [the SCAMMER's Facebook Page]​GW.IFA/posts/​311549172234350

 GWIFA: The ONLY PROBLEM with this page (even though it supposedly supports Israel) is that it was created by the SCAMMER that we reported on the HATIKVAH page before. See our links to the scammer and what he was doing in taking people's money who are supporters of Israel ...​GW.IFA/posts/​375205362490962​GW.IFA/posts/​357133097660166

SO ... BEWARE ... that although it (on the surface) supports Israel, it was set up by the same SCAMMER that has taken people's money who are supporters of Israel!

Geert Wilders Sidebar ‎Phillip ... from the time that we first followed the book (and it was advertised heavily) and for weeks, it was said to be an important research book full of facts and details that all would need to know about the topic. SO ... we were interested and waited to hear back from the "readers" of the book, as soon as it arrived.

WELL ... we did hear back and we heard that it was a SCAM ... and they were selling a 300-page FAKE BOOK that was advertised as researched and full of facts and necessary for anyone who needed to know this information about Israel and the Palestinians. And it was selling for about $20 (at first and then a couple of dollars less later). That's MORE THAN FULL PRICE for a REAL and RESEARCHED BOOK - except this book had NOTHING BUT BLANK PAGES IN IT.

That guy was SCAMMING EVERYONE ... by not even letting them know at the time that it was NOTHING BUT BLANK PAGES ... while saying it contained important and researched information and facts!

When we found out, we started warning everyone on our page about the SCAM that was posted on HATIKVAH (because we didn't know who was the actual person who was the scammer, at the time). But, now ... later ... we found out from Miriam (and reading some of the reviews from others) that it was one of the ADMINS on Hatikvah - and it was the original creator of the page.

Miriam Young (another admin who didn't know about the scam at the time) was alerted to the creator of the page (Hatikvah) SCAMMING EVERYONE and then kicked him off the page, and kept the page active, without him on there - and kept all the supporters of Israel intact and together on that page and would not allow that SCAMMER back on there to sell his FRAUD to everyone.

HOWEVER, we do notice that he is CONTINUING HIS FRAUD right now on other pages - but we hope with much less success at the present time - since we've alerted a lot of people to his SCAMS and FRAUD.

NOW ... these are ABSOLUTE FACTS that we know DIRECTLY from our FIRSTHAND EXPERIENCE and it's really, really bad and an OUTRIGHT FRAUD.

But, if you know something else, other than this, we would appreciate hearing what else you have.

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