Hello Alina, I hope you don't mind me writing to you but im really quite worried...I got a e-mail from this guy you had all the trouble with Alan Horat. He sent me a e-mail after i said i enjoyed his FB page...he was really friendly and kind but has been saying weird stuff ...I live in the UK and he has been saying how much he would love to come and stay in the UK and that he has been left lots of money by a relative , and that he wants to visit me and be part of my life...I told him from day one i was in a relationship but he keeps making comments im really uneasy about. I told him last week to stop e-mailing me but he keep insisting and im getting very scared...Jo xxxx
You can reply to me at my private e-mail address if you'd rather its DELETED but please keep my e-mail address private. I look forward to hearing from you soon...all i want is some advice from someone whos been there as im not sure what to do and he won't take DO NOT CONTACT ME ANYMORE!!! as a hint. Thanks again Jo xxx
Hi Alina since i sent you my e-mail things got worse so i have contacted the police who have been really great they said i have enough evidence for a conviction with all the e-mails i have from him but since i threatened him with the police he has been saying really awful things like i should watch out because i don't realise what he is capable of etc...I will try and add you as a friend can you not send me a friend invite? Jo xxx
Hi hunni, Thankyou for getting bk in touch...No he is very clever he doesn't write to me on here and the amount of e-mail address's he has is crazy. The police here are very interested in getting as much info on this man as possible ( more evidence better conviction ) and Yes it is defo 100 per cent Mr never give up,..Can i send you my private email address so we can talk...im not keen on talking about private matters on here. Hope to speak again soon and Thankyou, Jo xxx
Im with somebody and happy i wasn't interested in him in a romantic way but as soon as i told him he went nasty but then nice agsin then bk to nasty...very weird
100per cent because i left a comment under ine of his quotes on FB and he thats how we got talking then he wrote to me throgh diff e-mail address's i have no doubt its defo him
Should i forward the e-mails he sent?
yes please do but like all police they need lots of evidence for a conviction , It shouldn't matter what country you live in Fraud is Fraud and he can't get away with it
The best of it was tho after he told me his Grandmother was leaving him money he asked if i could lend him 10.000 and he would give me it bk as soon as the funds cleared in the bank...Needless to say i told him where to get off as i don't have that sort of cash
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