Friday, February 3, 2012


-------- Пересылаемое сообщение --------
От кого: Shalom From Hatikvah <>
Кому: <>
Дата: 09 декабря 2011, 20:00
Тема: RE: Re[2]: Docs

Let's follow the legal procedure, as that was your wish as well.
The revocation and the shares are two different matters.
As said, the revocation will be adopted by the majority, if it may please you or not.  This will be done.

For the share of sales, further instructions will be sent by our lawyer within the shortest terms, expectedly early next week.

As you seem to change of mind practically every week, I hope that you understand that we have to settle this once and for good and the best way to achieve that is to let our lawyer handle this issue the proper way.  If it is your true intention to do so, this will be arranged within the following week or two.

Anything that you may anticipate against that, will only make it longer for you to get the payment as agreed in our sales of share agreement.


Subject: Re[2]: Docs
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2011 19:41:40 +0400

since I did not get any money from you I am not resigning.

The sales of shares is not valid since you did not keep your side of the agreement.

If you want to keep matters undisclosed pay back what you owe me, Alain.

09 декабря 2011, 19:33 от Shalom From Hatikvah <>:


Not you, not myself should fear that anyone of us handle behind the back.  If there's a person who could have handle behind your back, that's me, and which I thus never did. 
Everything was clear and you were not forced to anything.  I will suggest to keep confidential matters undisclosed.  That counts for me as well.

I have sent you the share holder meeting planned this 19th of December in Milan. The originals were sent through our lawyer by courier to your address.

It is not a must for you to be present at the meeting, as the revocation will be adopted by the majority.
You can also decide to be represented, but that isn't a must neither.

Whatever you decide, I will like to add that there will be no opportunity at all to discuss any personal issue.

Best Regards,

Subject: Re: Docs
Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2011 18:52:50 +0400

OK Alain,

just to let you know -

if I wanted to discredit you with the lawyer I would have sent her for example the copy of the skype conversation about opening the company - where you are asking me to be the second person - I can send you if you do not remember it , but it was not my goal when I contacted her.

I told you I was contacting the lawyer - this is when I sent her the mail - then you said you would call me so I did not undertake any action, also in your mails you said to me - " you can contact the lawyer but she won`t tell you anything new" - I can send you copy of this mails of yours so you can look at what you youreself are writing, so I sent her email not to go behind your back - I told you I would contact her and was sure you did not object. It gives me more confidence to contact her directly and I think it is my right since you do not represent me as the situation changed from when we opened the company when we were together.

I am in a place with no internet access I will be back on Dec 9 - to let you know.

Please have her send anything she needs to send to me directly. I accept the document only from her.


02 декабря 2011, 19:04 от Shalom From Hatikvah <>:


The lawyer is preparing the documents.
I have asked her to proceed as quick as possible with this.
I expect to be able to send it to you shortly after the weekend.

I wanted to keep you informed.


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