Thursday, February 23, 2012


And when we are feeling alone we're more vulnerable. That's when we are making mistakes and becoming viktims of scammers. These beasts can read us,find our weak point and do whatever they want with us. Like hunting animals after a prade. But more dangerous. I can't judge u,as a matter a fact I admire u for ur courage. These scammers keep on existing because of silence of the victims. I'm sorry it happened to a lady like u. But these are professional ppl in scamming,so don't feel ashamed or stupid. I wish the other victims were like u,strong and fighting.


Yes, because victims are silent the evil continues. We must stop the evil - that is our purpose in this world...

Pamela wrote: "Alina i think you are an amazing woman ,and its such a disgrace how this pathetic liar and manipulative man has caught you and many more in his web,and how he tries to come clean with his reverse psychology theories by becoming some sort of guru mr never never give up.BUSHA"

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